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Preferred library: Nelson Public Library? Results 1 - 9 of 9 (page 1 of 1)
Just six numbers [electronic resource] : The deep forces that shape the universe. Rees Martin.
Three roads to quantum gravity [electronic resource]. Smolin Lee.
River out of eden [electronic resource] : A darwinian view of life. Richard Dawkins.
The last three minutes [electronic resource] : Conjectures about the ultimate fate of the universe. Davies Paul.
The origin of humankind [electronic resource]. Leakey Richard.
Kinds of minds [electronic resource] : Toward an understanding of consciousness. Dennett Daniel C.
The pattern on the stone [electronic resource] : The simple ideas that make computers work. Hillis W Daniel.
The origin of the universe [electronic resource]. Barrow John D.
Why is sex fun? [electronic resource] : The evolution of human sexuality. Jared Diamond.

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